Anthropology 1: Biological Anthropology

This course introduces the concepts, methods of inquiry, and scientific explanations for biological evolution and their application to the human species. Issues and topics will include, but are not limited to, genetics, evolutionary theory, human variation and biocultural adaptations, comparative primate anatomy and behavior, and the fossil evidence for human evolution. The scientific method serves as foundation of the course.  (MJC ANTHR 101)

Transfer: UC/CSU. IGETC 4A, 5B; CSU-GE B2, D1

Anthropology 1: Syllabus
Anthropology 1: Exam Questions
Anthropology 1: Highly Recommended Sources from Faculty Website



Articles for Anthropology 1


Anatomical Origins: The Art of Viktor Deak
Becoming Human
Becoming Human: NOVA (PBS)
Carl Sagan's Cosmic Calendar - Palaeos
Crossing From Asia, the First Americans Rushed Into the Unknown By Carl Zimmer (The New York Times)
David Reich Unearths Human History Etched in Bone By Carl Zimmer (The New York Times)
Embracing 'Deep Time' Thinking By Vincent F. Ialenti (NPR)
eSkeletons: University of Texas at Austin
Helene Guldberg's Website
Human Origins Initiative (Smithsonian)
Journey of Mankind: Interactive Trail By Stephen Oppenheimer
Narrower Skulls, Oblong Brains: How Neanderthal DNA Still Shapes Us By Carl Zimmer (The New York Times)
Neanderthals, the World’s First Misunderstood Artists By Carl Zimmer (The New York Times)
Pangea: Historical Perspective
Population Institute
Raising the American Weakling By Tom Vanderbilt (Nautilus)
Rising Seas: If All the Ice Melted (National Geographic)
Scientists reveal 10,000-year-old mummy is Native American ancestor By Hannah Devlin (The Guardian)
The Biology of Skin Color -- HHMI BioInteractive Video (YouTube)
The Human Edge (NPR)
The Human Family Tree - National Geographic Video
The Human Spark (PBS)
The Leakey Foundation
The Kennewick Man Finally Freed to Share His Secrets By Douglas Preston (Smithsonian Magazine)
Why a Medieval Woman Had Lapis Lazuli Hidden in Her Teeth By Sarah Zhang (The Atlantic)
World's 'oldest figurative painting' discovered in Borneo cave By Ian Sample (The Guardian)
UNEP: Maps and Graphics Library
University of California Museum of Paleontology