Anthropology / Sociology 7: Gender, Culture, and Society

The course takes an inclusive bio-cultural evolutionary perspective on gender, focusing on non-human primate societies as well as primitive (small scale) and modern (large scale) human societies. Factors such as culture, ecological conditions and historical circumstances, forces of stratification (e.g. age, social class), socialization (e.g. rites of passage, conformity and deviance) as well as the science (e.g.concepts, theories and methods) of studying these topics will be addressed. Though course readings will represent many disciplines, the foundation readings reflect the perspectives of bio-cultural anthropology as well as sociology. This emphasis addresses the fundamental assumption that while sex differences are biological, gender encompasses the traits that culture assigns and inculcates (with varying degrees of success) in males and females. Credit may be earned for only one of the following: Anthr 7 or Socio 7.

Transfer: UC/CSU. IGETC 4D; CSU-GE D4

Anthropology / Sociology 7: Syllabus
Anthropology / Sociology 7: Exam Questions
Anthropology / Sociology 7: Highly Recommended Sources from Faculty Website 



Articles for Anthr/Socio 7


A Brief History of Birth Control (Our Bodies, Ourselves) 
The Global Library of Women's Medicine